Adult Cats and Kittens of Foldlandia

Markissa Dandy
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Sex: Male
Color: Silver Ticked (ns 25)
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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Betty Foldlandia
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Silver Shaded (ns 11)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Dilan Foldlandia
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Male
Окрас: Golden Ticked Point (ny 25 33)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Silver Shaded (ns 11)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Rada Foldlandia
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Golden Ticked (ny 25)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Klayd of Ros Miracle
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Male
Окрас: Golden Ticked (ny 25)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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Karolina of Ros Miracle
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Blue golden shaded (ay 11)
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Grace Foldlandia
Breed: Highland Stright (SCL)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Golden Ticked Point (ny 25 33)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Van Foldlandia
Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS)
Пол: Male
Окрас: Silver Ticked (ns 25)
Age in the photo: 1,3 years old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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Blondi Foldlandia
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Silver Ticked (ns 25)
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Bris Foldlandia
Breed: British Short Hair (Bri)
Пол: Male
Окрас: Golden Ticked (ny 25)
Age in the photo: 2 years old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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Liana Foldlandia
Breed: British Short Hair (Bri)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Silver Shaded (ns 11)
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Lord Foldlandia
Breed: British Short Hair (Bri)
Пол: Male
Окрас: Golden Point (ny 25 33)
Age in the photo: 10 monthes old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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Bridget Foldlandia
Breed: British Short Hair (Bri)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Silver Ticked (ns 25)
Age in the photo: 1 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Dolly Foldlandia
Breed: British Short Hair (Bri)
Пол: Female
Окрас: Golden Ticked (ny 25)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Queen of Foldlandia Cattery
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Alex of Tiara
Breed: Scottish Straight (SCS)
Пол: Male
Окрас: Golden Shaded (ny 11)
Age in the photo: 1,5 years old
Status: Sir of Foldlandia Cattery
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